There is a pit in your stomach when you realize your laptop just died and you have no idea how to get all those pictures that were on there.
You jump in the pool to realize that your phone is also with you in your pocket and you haven’t backed up any of your contacts.
Those are 2 different and somewhat extreme examples, but you can insert whatever story or fear you have here and the feeling is the same: fear. We have become really dependent on our technology as it houses not only our valued information but our precious memories as well.
Apple has made it really simple to back up your info, but you have to make sure to do it! Time Machine is the mechanism that is built in to your computer (laptop/desktop) that will back up automatically once you have it set up. In iTunes you can determine how your devices are backed up (to your computer or iCloud).
At the dentist recently the doctor came in and made a comment about flossing that is pertinent to this discussion. He said, “Only floss the teeth that you want to keep.” The same came be true for your devices: only back up the information that you really care about.