If you are unhappy in your current job, you need to read this book.
If you are thinking about starting (or maybe already started) your own business and have hit some challenges, this is a must read for you.
If you are in a rut professionally/personally, this book should be in your hands.
The concepts in Seth Godin’s ‘Linchpin’ book have definitely resonated on a few different levels. I believe the overall concept is to help you find your gift, lose the fear/resistance, and share that gift with the world, who in turn will reciprocate with value both in purpose and in money, all the while keeping true to your “art”. There are some inherent challenges, however, in that we are in a business model/system that is broken. Moving from the barter/gifting mentality to the merchant-style business of give something, get something has changed the overall structure. To change the way we do business from within is now the greater challenge.
I find the same principles true for other areas of life whether it’s religion or raising a family – there’s a lot about our thinking and our systems that are broken. To change those systems (education, religion, business, etc.) require doing the work, but doing the work with a new passion and perspective. It’s ok to think differently. It’s ok to do business differently. It all might look very different in the short run, but the overall result will provide purpose, value, and passion – all things I believe we all crave.
This book should be sipped. Take your time. Chew slowly. Share often.